Saturday, September 29, 2012

Can You Relate? (One-Sided Love)

                Unrequited love means loving someone who doesn't love you back. It’s obviously not give and take, thus, the feelings are not mutual. This is very common among people, especially those who are desperate and those who are called ‘hopeless romantic’. However, unrequited love can be very risky. It is either making your beloved as an inspiration but it can also turn into an obsession and bring serious, psychological problems to the admirer.

                Obsession is clearly negative when talking about unrequited love. It is, because being obsessed is like being desperate. When you give all of yourself to someone who can’t give you back what you want,  you may obtain low self-esteem, anxiety and, if worse comes to worst, depression, especially if the admirer is not able to express his feelings. Unrequited lovers are, more likely, afraid to be embarrassed. They refrain from being rejected. But they, unintentionally, expect something in return from their beloved, thus, making them suffer more. Some say that one-sided love is better than none, but like half a loaf of bread, it will probably go hard and moldy sooner. It means that unrequited love is likely to fade faster than reciprocated love. On the other hand, making it as an inspiration is quite hard. You need to try your hardest not to anticipate feelings in return. You need to try not to assume things that rarely can happen. Unrequited love can happen anytime. Deal with it.

                There are certain things in life which can occur neither considering any occasion, night or day, tomorrow or the day after, nor any location, here or there, near or far. It also does not choose targets, thus, anyone can feel it. Man or woman, tall or short, gay or straight, they are all possible victims. I may have stated all the negative things about unrequited love but it is still love, the most wonderful feeling in the world. Nothing can change that.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Math/Stat Camp @ DLSU

Day 1 - July 14, 2012
Day 2 - September 22, 2012

I don't like to write about the Day 1 of the camp because it's all about the talking and lecturing which can most probably be a bore if you'd think about it as one.So, I'll proceed to Day 2. Hahaha.

After 10 weeks of waiting since the first day, we were finally able to continue the camp. Unlike Day 1, when the transportation was probably the most enjoyable part of it, Day 2 offered a more interactive day for us. There are MUCH more smiles and MUCH more laughter but there is DEFINITELY a lot more sweat. 

The Main Event was the Amazing Race. We had 10 groups, each containing members from different schools. I was in the Blue team. We had a lot of fun and we finished 4th (we tied in 3rd -_-). 

The event ended when the awarding of special prizes and certificates to the participants. 

I would like to note that the De La Salle University Manila was big (HUGE) and so welcoming. I hope I can join next year! 

(c) Jam Sudario
